We are stardust, we are golden

Howdie everyone. Not that anybody reads this but by now I don’t care; I like hearing (seeing, rather) myself talk.

I’ve updated my opinion blog ( http://bluesilvermusic.wordpress.com/ ) several times but realized it’s been a while since I’ve bothered to think of this one.

I’m getting more hours, so that’s a good thing. And, lately there hasn’t been enough business to keep me there past 8 or 9pm but a couple times now I’ve had to work full days. Actually, last week, I worked almost a six and a half hour shift. Which isn’t even a drop in the ocean of work, but considering they’d been telling me to go home after two and a half or three hours for a month or more, it was a lot. Plus, last weekend I worked Saturday and Sunday at PM Park, and just yesterday I worked for seven hours there.

I get paid this Friday from my regular job, and my mom is working an event on Saturday at PM Park. Now, usually at my regular job I’m working Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and either this weekend or next weekend, they threw in a Saturday. Which was met by me with a grain of salt (It’s great I get an extra day’s worth of hours, but Saturdays are notoriously busy and therefore will suck), but whatever. I said that to say this. My mom is working an event on Saturday, and she’s going to ask about getting paid, and she said she’d ask about my money.

I wouldn’t care much, but this Sunday we are planning on going to the Renaissance Festival in Shakopee, Minnesota. Although, if it rains, or there is an overwhelming chance of rain we may postpone it, in order to avoid a scene like last year. I.E. last year the entire walking area was a mud pit and although we had fun, it rained all day and we all had mud slung up to our knees at the end of the day. Even if it’s not supposed to rain when we go, I’ve still got half a mind to bring extra pants and shoes.

Holy shit guys. Woodstock happened FORTY YEARS AGO. In a past life, I was either in the crowd or involved in some way.

Anyhoo. A couple days ago, I watched this two hour documentary about Woodstock. Or most of it anyway. I spontaneously rode my bike to the grocery store and got two of these energy water things. That I proceeded to drink right away. Then I watched the four hour Woodstock film. On and off, started a really trippy drawing in my sketchbook, and reawakened my hippie self. 😀 One thing I know is that in my lifetime, and before I’m old, I want to make a hippie pilgrimage to the site where they held Woodstock.

In other less pleasant news, I’m going to start paying the like 2000 dollar fine I have next week. As I said before, I get paid this Friday, and I’ll probably get my PM Park money this weekend as well, so as soon as shit is open on Monday I’m going to send my first payment in. I just hope they don’t see this temporary delay as a sign I’m planning to remain inactive on the whole thing, which I’m not.

Anyhoo, I wanted to talk about a couple things I’ve been meaning to write about, but those more fit my opinion blog which I am going to be updating shortly, so you are welcome to continue reading there: http://bluesilvermusic.wordpress.com/