Day 203.

Today was err… interesting. If you haven’t heard, my bike is having problems (back tire is crooked, and the inner tube popped) and I was having issues because mom didn’t want me to ride her bike and the other two bikes we have are far too tall for me.

Well, she was up when I got up this morning and she gave me permission to use her bike. I’d say that took a weight off my shoulders, but the Sunday papers are massive, so it didn’t really. They legit weigh at least 30 pounds.  I usually put the majority of the papers in two bags, and then the last five or six that won’t fit in a little backpack satchel thingy. I weighed one of the large bags once and it was 20 pounds.

My shoulders actually still hurt, and I have a friction burn on my right shoulder. Fun shit. I mean, a lot of people have worked harder and longer than I have today… I’m not trying to outdo anybody.

Tomorrow dad is apparently going to take my bike into the bike shop and have it looked at. I hope it’s not too expensive to fix because I’m strapped for cash right now. All I have left of my last paycheck is enough to send in a fine payment.

Still. My bicycle is pretty much my only mode of transportation, so it is important that it works. My mother has to remind me that “Your car still works if you’d get your license back blahblahblahblahblah” but even if I had a car I wouldn’t drive the route. Defeats the purpose of using the route as a form of EXERCISE.

I was going to get a can of soda after I was done with the route but I was 5 cents short. Booo.

Anyway, the rest of the day was decent. My mother, brother, and myself did a bit of shopping. Browsed around the mall, Hy-Vee, Target, and Aldis, and we had more fun than we should have.

It got really hot later in the day. That I could have done without, but oh well. Better that than -30 degree temps.



+A piece of cornbread at 5am. 
I had a cinnamon roll when I got home from the paper route.

+Leftover eggplant parmesan, and a piece of cornbread. 
And a little bit of cottage cheese.

+A personal size pizza

I also had this really good like... cookie cake thing from hy-vee 
(it was a single serving thing), and a package of fruit snacks. 
And a few cola gummies.

Day 202.

This entry will be rushed as well, so sorry about that. Actually, I’m not. Nobody reads this blog, I’m not going to feel obligated to spend time on it. Not until it turns back into a regular blog.

+English muffin with cream cheese… and a few green pepper slivers with hummus.

+Eggplant parmesan.

+More eggplant parmesan, with a piece of cornbread.

Also, I had one of the bars I made yesterday. I also had a few generic goldfish crackers. I think that’s it, actually. I may have something else tonight but I’ll include that in tomorrow’s entry.

Day 201… tardy.

Uh, yeah. The family decided to go out for ice cream and then play board games afterwards. It was done kind of late-ish in the evening, and I was getting sleepy so I just took down what I ate in a note on my phone and figured I could post that today, no problem.

Besides, I don’t have regular enough readers to notice if I’m late with an entry so I suppose it doesn’t really matter.


+A bowl of cereal

+Lunchmeat sandwich with green pepper, and half a cup of cottage cheese.

+Ear of corn, and a sloppy joe sandwich. I had a couple bars I made, a small butterscotch malt, a couple mini charleston chews, and I’m fairly sure that’s all I had.

Day 200!

That’s right, kids. It’s my 200th day of daily blogging, and I must say… it’s been weird. I am not used to keeping up something quite that long. Only 164 more days of this being a food blog. Then it’ll probably go back to being a life blog I randomly post my thoughts in.

I’m not doing anything special or flashy for the 200th food journal post. In fact, I’m barely going to say anything at all. I have dishes to do and I’d like to get those over with so I can just piss around online until I go to bed.


+ two slices of thin lunchmeat at 5am. When I got home, I had an english muffin. Half of it had honey on it, half had that low fat cream cheese stuff.

+Two eggs scrambled with some chopped onion, and chopped green pepper. And a slice of cheese. And a half cup of cottage cheese.

+A morningstar farms spicy black bean burger with cheese and sour cream. On the side I had some broccoli and ranch dressing… half of which was fat free, half of which was regular.

Also, I had a cup of pudding with fresh blueberries… and we were out of graham crackers, so I sprinkled a few pieces of generic honey combs cereal on it. Also earlier I had some popcorn and this dip we make that is peanut butter and syrup mixed together. It sounds disgusting but it’s really tasty.

I’m pretty sure that’s all I had. I probably won’t eat anything else tonight, except maybe some watermelon if I get the munchies before bed. Considering the fact that it’s 7:30 at night and I’m usually in bed by 9:30 or so… I probably won’t have any.

Day 199.

Tomorrow we hit the big 2-0-0. Tomorrow will mark my 200th day of daily blogging. It’s actually the 209th day of the year tomorrow, but that’s still crazy.  Where has this year gone?

This is really the longest I’ve stayed with a project. I will probably continue to food journal after my 365 days are up, but I probably won’t post it online. I do still want to keep track but I don’t know that I’ll need to publish it.


+A half cup of generic goldfish crackers (they were chikadees, from Target) at 5am. After about 7:30 or so I had some cereal

+A bit of strip steak, some hash browns, and an ear of corn.

+A lunchmeat sandwich and an ear of corn (which I put a bit of butter on and sprinkled chili powder over. It was really awesome). And a small cucumber with no salad dressing.


Also, I had a few sour gummy worms, some marshmallows, a bowl of watermelon, and some blueberries. And a few more generic goldfish crackers.

I think that’s it. I probably won’t eat anything else tonight but if I do I’ll be sure to include it in tomorrow’s entry.

Day 198.

I’m going to hop in bed really quick, so I’m just going to post the food and get out of here.

+A lunchmeat sandwich at 5am.
I had a bowl of cereal after 8am.

+some taco chips and guacamole, and some raw broccoli with some ranch dressing (half full fat, half no fat).

+A lunchmeat sandwich with some chips and hummus.

Also, I had some sour gummy worms, a few starburst candies, 
a bowl of watermelon, two jr. fudge bars, and I believe that's it.



Day 197.

Today was a decent day, but I was just not in a great mood. I was depressed for no reason, then I was in that lovely mood where I constantly insult myself (You’re still really fat, your art sucks, nobody can stand you…you know, the usual), and then I was just in a bitchy mood. I’m not sure why.

This morning I gave the neighbor lady four pieces of zucchini bread… the zucchini bread that contained the first zucchini (or anything, for that matter) I harvested from my garden. Also, when I was out playing with the neighbor puppy, I saw a hummingbird. At first I thought it was just a giant scary bee or something but when I got a closer look I noticed it was a hummingbird, so that was pretty cool.

I know I’ve said this before, but when you’re in a better mood most of the time, the depression sucks that much more.

I’ve been more regularly happy, so much so that I start to think “Eh, I don’t have that depression problem anymore thank god”, then I’ll hit a day like today and remember that I’m not normal and I do still have issues.

Admittedly, I have fewer  issues than I would have had this time just a year or two ago, but it’s still really irritating.

Like my intense hatred for calling strangers on the phone. There are two dates in August that the family are going on little day trips and that I’ll need a newspaper sub for, and there’s a guy I need to call to see about subbing for me. He subbed for me twice before, but I still just really hate calling people on the phone. In most other areas of my social anxiety, I’ve either gotten rid of my fears or have whittled my fears down to a level where I can just overlook them, but this is the one big one that remains.

I don’t even like calling my friends, because I’m afraid I’ll catch them when they’re busy, at work, in class, sleeping, or they don’t feel like talking to me which is pretty stupid, but if there’s one thing I could be famous for, it’s my penchants for strange phobias.

Anyway, I still have an art blog to do as well as some dishes so I should get going.


+A piece of zucchini bread and a cinnamon roll

+Some mac & cheese, some steamed broccoli, and some chicken.

+A single serve little pizza I felt extremely guilty about eating because it was so unhealthy.

Also, I had a couple twizzlers, an apple, half a plum, a few reeses pieces and like 4 milk duds. And some dried fruit. 
I also had a bottle of wild cherry pepsi, because all the other kinds of soda in the machine were sold out. That was like 270 calories, so I felt I had to include it.
After that, I'm completely serious when I say I'm going to stop buying soda. If someone brings some home, I might have half a glass, 
but I am literally not buying any more for myself. I'm a fat and disgusting human being, and people can drop 
thirty pounds just by cutting soda from their diet. I'm clearly not making enough progress so I have to do something.

Day 196.

Today was a pretty good day, but to be honest, if I didn’t use this as a food journal I probably wouldn’t have written anything today. That’s why this blog fell out of use as a random, everyday journal. My life isn’t really interesting enough for that. And almost nobody reads it.  Not that I mind talking to myself (I do it on a daily basis), but sometimes it’s nice to have people read and comment on things that you post.

Today, I made zucchini parmesan, which was fantastic. I used zucchini we had left over from the farmer’s market. I also made zucchini bread with a zucchini I grew myself. It was pretty small, but it yielded just the amount the recipe needed. I probably could have let the zucchini get a little bigger, but I was too excited at the prospect of the first harvest out of my first garden… Plus when you let zucchini get big they get seedy.

I also did a bunch of dishes today and cleaned the bathroom. In addition to delivering the huge ass Sunday papers this morning. That went pretty well, but my knees and back are still really stiff and achy. The only thing I can think of is that 10 dollar pair of wedge heels I bought several days ago, but I don’t know if a shoe can cause that much discomfort. I guess I won’t know for sure until I wear them around again.

I’m not really sure what else to go on about, so….

+A slice of cheese at 5am. Some time after I got home from the paper route (after 8am) I had a cinnamon roll. 

+A lunchmeat sandwich with guacamole on it (Don't look at me like that, it tasted really good) and some parmesan zucchini.

+A cheeseburger with some of the mushroom/pepper/onion/etc stuff I made the other day on it. Also, some taco chips and guacamole.

Also today, I had a couple blue raspberry licorices, a piece of zucchini bread using a zucchini I grew myself, and I think that's it.

Oh. I forgot about the bowl of watermelon I ate. I knew I was forgetting something.

That will probably be all I eat today. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some godforsaken laundry in the drier that I forgot about until just now, so I should probably check to see if they’re dry.

Day 195, in which my knees hate me.

My knees are killing me right now. I’m not sure what I did but they’ve been hurting way more than normal the past couple of days. The paper route this morning sucked, and tomorrow I have to deliver the huge ass Sunday papers so that will be awesome.  😐

Actually, as I’ve told you before, the Sunday paper is one of those things that I dread so much beforehand but that never ends up being as bad as I anticipate.

I walked to the library with mom today… which I’m sure isn’t helping. It was fun. I bought a honey angel (instead of a honey bear) at the pitifully small Clear Lake farmer’s market. Seriously. It’s like four different stands of stuff, and that’s it. I don’t really know why they bother having a farmer’s market at all, actually. The one in Mason City is much better, but even that one isn’t as good as it used to be. Oh well. At least we have one.

Okay. So…

Whenever I do dishes or cook anything, I listen to Duran Duran’s Red Carpet Massacre, and damn, that album is amazing. Back when I first got it, I only listened to three songs on it and ignored the rest. I tried listening to them but I didn’t damn like them.

It wasn’t until earlier this year when my Duran Duran interest was renewed that I started listening to the entire thing. I’m not sure why I didn’t like it before but now it’s one of my legit favorite albums. I need to buy DD’s most recent album. I might ask for it for Christmas. I’m not sure.

I recently ordered a cd and a dvd from, and I just noticed that the cd has been shipped. The earliest I’d get it is late next week, but it could take until August 12th to get here. I seriously doubt that it won’t get here until August. Well. I hope it won’t anyway. It’s the soundtrack to Gate to the Mind’s Eye, an album only super hardcore fans of Thomas Dolby have even heard of.

I also bought an adorable Fred Astaire movie called “You were never lovelier”. That one hasn’t been shipped yet, sadly. I used up just about 9 bucks on my 25 dollar prepaid Visa card. I know I at least want to get to Hobby Lobby to buy a white gel pen. As for the rest of that card, I’m not entirely sure what I want to buy. I might order a couple more things on amazon, or I might splurge on some expensive prismacolor markers if they’re on sale. I haven’t decided yet, but my prepaid Visa doesn’t expire for like eight years, so it’s not like I have to decide right away.

Now, as much as I hate to admit it, I haven’t made anything for today’s art blog post, so I should probably rush off and do that.

+a half cup of cottage cheese at 5am. When I got back from the paper route, I had a bowl of frosted mini wheats.

+A lunchmeat sandwich, with some taco chips/guacamole

+I was raiding the fridge for stuff that needed to be used up... so I cooked up some mushrooms, sliced zucchini, carrots, onion, and garlic in olive oil with some Italian seasoning. When it had cooled down I put the stuff in the food processor and processed it. Then I put it on some cooked pasta, and it was delicious. 

Also today, I had like four wheat thins, a few veggie chips, a granola bar, and a jr fudge bar. And two blue raspberry licorice strands. Dad is cutting up some watermelon right now so I'm going to have a bowl of that, too, but probably not much else. I'm feeling kind of guilty for today because I didn't do that well. After the food has settled I'm going to go up to my room to do some ab workouts, since dad is home and in front of the tv, and I don't like exercising in front of people.


Day 194, in which I spend a little money and make fantastic scrambled eggs.

You heard me.

Today had an awesome beginning. Mainly, I overslept. I usually get myself up at 5am to deliver papers. This morning I woke up at 5:30. I panicked a little and was rushing around, but I was done delivering my papers and was halfway home before the deadline of 6:30, so that was good. I might let myself sleep in a little bit, though, since I know I can still have everything delivered on time if I get up late.

So, today I decided to get an application for the Cookies, Etc that is not even a mile from my house. Since they serve a little coffee and some cinnamon rolls I figured they’d be open pretty early. I left my house at like 8 something. I get there, they’re not open. So I figure they open at 9. I got some coffee from Cabin Coffee, which was open, luckily.

I read a manga I checked out from the library, then at just after 9, I tried again. Closed. It was of course then that I noticed the hours printed on their window. They didn’t open until 10. So, I went around and wasted some time. I bought two avocados at Econo, then I noticed they have a bunch of gift cards to random stores, and I bought a 25 dollar prepaid visa card.

I decided to do that as a reward for myself for not buying tickets to see Craig Ferguson stand up. I really want to see him, but the tickets are fifty bucks, and that’s not even including getting there, and any money we’d spend once we got there.

I ordered a cd and a dvd from Used. I’m getting the soundtrack to Gate to the Mind’s Eye, and a dvd of an adorable old Fred Astaire movie called “You were never lovelier”. Rita Hayworth is also in it. I caught the movie on some classic movie channel one day about a month ago, and I fell in love.

The best part is, because both the cd and dvd were used, including shipping my order was only about 9 bucks. The rest of the money on the card (which can literally be used anywhere a visa card can) will probably be spent on art supplies at Hobby Lobby, the next time I get over to Mason. I want to buy a white gel pen, and a couple more expensive ass prismacolor markers. I have a light peach skin toned marker, I want to get a color for a darker skin tone, and a light blue one for sky. If they’re on sale, I might also get a basic color like red or green. Something I’ll use a lot.

I need to call the people I will be making fine payments to. There is a code I need to have to send with all my payments, and then there will be at least 25 bucks sent to them.


Anyway, it’s really fucking hot over by this computer so I’m going to speed things along and get the fuck out of here.


+ a turkey lunchmeat sandwich on sandwich thins.

+I had half a chocolate muffin at 11 or so. For my actual lunch, I had some guacamole with taco chips, and a half cup of cottage cheese.

+Some kick ass scrambled eggs with baby portobello mushrooms and red bell pepper. A little bit of chopped onion was in there too. I also had a piece of toast and little less than half a cup of cottage cheese.

Also, since I hardly ever have anything from a coffee place I figure I should include these. This morning I bought myself a tall iced latte. Then, my brother bought me an iced chai tea. Those gave me quite the caffeine high that lasted several hours. I shared half the chocolate muffin I got with him, since I felt bad that he bought me a coffee.

Also, I had a few blue raspberry flavored licorice strands. I’ll probably grab a couple more of those, and then a jr. sized fudge bar (they’re like half the size of the normal ones, it’s pretty sweet) but that should be it as far as food consumption goes.